
Ryuji Obinata

Ronin • Bounty Hunter • Doman

About Ryuji

Public Information

Ryuji Obinata

He/him • 7'0" • 31

Raen Au Ra

Cis Man • Bisexual

Bounty Hunter • Sellsword



  • Fighting

  • Money

  • Mean Women

  • Attention

  • Sake


  • Peace and quiet

  • Garleans

  • Being ignored

  • Non-alcoholic drinks

  • Chocobos

The first thing one notices about Ryuji - aside from his ever-present pince nez - is the intricate tattoos on his arms, chest, and back. The traditional far eastern style features golden dragons curling around his scales and riding black ink waves, with vibrant red poppies caught in their current. His fashion sense is exactly as obnoxious as the glasses demand: flashy, shiny, and typically either missing sleeves or with deep v-cut necklines.
Strangely, a small sparrow is often seen following him around or perching on his shoulder. It almost never leaves his presence to the point of causing trouble for him.

Proud • Cocky • Noncommital • Greedy

Ryuji is, above all, an asshole. He has little care for others beyond what they might be able to do for his benefit - or how he might be able to fight them. Endlessly fond of banter and picking fights, most interactions with him involve some amount of teasing, poking, or outright bullying. He still manages to be charismatic under all of it, aided by the ease in which he hands out compliments to those he things deserves it. There is, unfortunately, some charm to be had in someone so confident.

Where he struggles tends to be more in morals rather than social skills. Nothing matters more to him than fighting and money, and he tends to be drawn most to those that can provide him with both. The only thing keeping him 'in check', as it were, is his strong sense of honour. He will never fight anyone who cannot fight back, even to the point where he will demand his opponent to be at full strength before fighting them. He holds distain for assassins and anyone willing to kill senselessly without regard for the victims.

True Neutral • Noble DemonBlood Knight


Public Personal History

Doman Samurai • Kugane Resident

Born six scant years before the Garlean invasion and subsequent occupation of Doma to a noble house of samurai, Ryuji's early childhood was as good as any could hope for. Of course, this also put him at the prime age to have vivid memories of he and his mother fleeing his homeland while his father and three elder brothers stayed behind to defend the kingdom. He spent the rest of his youth in Kugane where the remains of his family's retainers as well as any samurai he could convince taught him swordsmanship.

His childhood dreams of reclaiming his home were cut short when, at the age of sixteen, his mother suddenly fell ill. Rendered fairly poor by their escape and subsequent years without a major family breadwinner, Ryuji was forced to put his sword skills to work to pay for her care. He found bounty hunting to suit him quite well: not only was it a fairly decent source of income (though not as steady as mercenary work), it also provided him with an endless supply of people to test his strength against.

Now, some fifteen years later, he travels much of the free world taking on bounties. Almost all of his money is still sent home to support his aging mother, though few hear that particular detail these days.


Roleplay Plot Hooks

Well-travelled warrior                 

Given his trade, he's often seen roaming about various locales. He can typically be found hovering around hunt boards or sitting somewhere to the side tending to his arms and armour.

Little Sparrow                      

Animal lovers (or haters, as the case may be) might take interest in the little sparrow that accompanies him. The aether-sensitive and those from the Far East might have an inkling as to what this sparrow might actually be...

Hunter for Hire                     

Need someone brought to you dead or alive? Or perhaps you've found yourself on someone's bad side and there's posters with your name on it hung up somewhere? Whatever the case, if there's money under a name alongside an 'armed and dangerous' notice, you have Ryuji's interest.

Lost Heirloom                       

Ryuji's father's blade, taken with them to Hingashi in their escape following his death, was pawned off some time after their arrival in desperation. While he doesn't actively hunt for it anymore, he won't turn down leads or shy away from talking to weapons traders.

Golden Dragons                     

Ryuji lost a lot when his family fled from Doma following the Garlean invasion, but some pieces of his past might still be lingering around. If you find yourself interested in a more long-term and involved story about family finding one another, you're welcome to send a /tell to discuss possibilities.

Out of Character

Crystal Datacentre • EST Timezone

Koda • He/him • 26

Trans • LGBT+ friendly

Hi there, and thanks for looking at this carrd! I'm fairly new to roleplaying in an mmo, but otherwise I have about 12 years of roleplaying experience under my belt.

Please be aware that Ryuji is an asshole on purpose and that his opinions IC do not reflect mine OOC. If you do not enjoy someone attempting to piss your character off intentionally, then I do not recommend approaching him. Similarly, he's incredibly blunt and forward with his flirting - you are welcome to tell him off in-character to get him to stop if you find it off-putting/uncomfortable.

Ryuji also isn't a character built with romance in mind. While I certainly welcome any attempts to romance him - and may even encourage you! - you should be aware that he will need a considerable amount of growth in order to even consider it. Flings without emotional attachment, on the other hand, are ridiculously easy.

I try my very best to be friendly OOC, so if you see me in-game you're more than welcome to say hi! While I prefer to keep things in-game, you're also welcome to ask me for my discord if you want to talk more/roleplay outside of the game.

Ryuji can sometimes be found working as a bartender at The Scrapyard. If you're lucky, he might even have a green tag on.

  • I do not interact/rp with minors. 21+ only please!

  • ERP is fine, but I require character connection and build-up first!

  • I will not interact with you if you are racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/etc.

  • Similarly, if your character has 'is racist' as a quirky personality trait or you use transphobic slurs (f-ta, c-boy, tr-p, etc) to describe your character I don't want to have anything to do with you

  • Don't be a freak. Incest/pedos/rape fetishists be gone.

  • Be gay, do crimes

If you've swung by The Scrapyard and caught Ryuji with the green Looking for Party tag on, congratulations! For the right price he will be happy to provide entertainment, be it fighting, conversation, maybe a little more - just don't ask him to dance!

If you've poked your nose at this page outside of operating hours, please note that I do not do casual hookup rp outside of the venue.

Usually Dominant • Usually Top • Bisexual

Ryuji enters all situations assuming he is the dominant person in the interaction. He only gives that up if he's bested in a fight to the right sort of person!


  • Cis, trans, and nonbinary characters

  • Fighting (horny)

  • Rough play

  • BDSM themes

  • Masc-presenting characters (all genders)*

  • Brats ♥


  • Shy, demure characters

  • Femme-presenting characters (all genders)*

  • Hrothgar/Roegadyn (all genders)

  • Other dom/me tops


  • Lalafell

  • Characters under 21

  • Homophobic or transfetishistic slurs

  • Rape/incest fetishists, pedophiles, or zoophiles

*Ryuji has a preference for women and fem-aligned nonbinary people but also prefers masculine presentation. Tomboys (and goth women) are his favourite food.